Why a Wallet Card and not just a Mobile?

Due to the traditional nature of physical cards, sometimes they do not come with additional innovative features that make managing finances and spending easy and convenient. The traditional physical cards involve a much longer process as there are a number of materials and manufacturing processes to create a card and put it all together.

Virtual payments via mobile phones provide powerful customer spending analytics, however, also comes with some cons should a customer’s mobile phone become compromised. With phones being in many cases the single point of social media access and communication it can easily fall vulnerable to being compromised where cards have proven to be the most secure.

Traditional plastic cards

Globally there are approximately 3.5 billion plastic credit cards manufactured each year and it is estimated that a growth from 2022 to 2027 will be around 3% per year. With cards still being in such demand, card manufacturers are now moving to sustainable and eco-friendly materials. With this in mind, it appears that plastic cards are going to be around for some time.

Cards have proven to be reliable, consistent and there’s never a concern of transactions working every single time. An Xard card allows the independent use of each individual card and that in itself further reduces our carbon footprint.

All your customers’ cards in one Chip & Pin wallet

Our Companion App is only just that, and importantly it doesn’t matter what brand of phone your customer has, it will work with any, all it requires is Bluetooth connection. We are completely agnostic

Would your customers like one simple card holding all their favorite cards along with the benefits of the Xard added security?