MERCHANTS / acquirers

Merchants are the foundation of your business

Interoperability increases the value proposition of these payments by increasing the Merchants Acquirers convenience: it allows Merchants to transact more. Merchants POS terminals can remain the same, no upgrading or changes required.

Any payment card any time and anywhere.

  • Works on any ATM
  • Works on any POS terminal
  • Contact and Contactless
  • Works without data / wifi coverage
  • Works without a mobile phone
  • Instant remote configuration
  • A completely agnostic payment solution
  • Doesn’t require a mobile phone or any special payment apps.
Merchants also have the concern of card fraud. The cost of fraud comes at a high cost to them. Running their own business where costs do matter. The Xard minimizes fraud risks simply by only one card selected at a time from a bank of up to 10, unlike a wallet or purse with immediate access to a great number of payment cards. Each time a card is selected on The Xard, it requires a simple authentication by the card owner furthermore, only four digits of the PAN is visible not the full PAN! The Xard was designed with this in mind. Remember too, that this is just the tip of the iceberg.