The Xard

Customer benefits

The customer day seeks innovation and simplicity. They also embrace it. Customers’ expectations for simpler, personalized and more convenient banking and financial services remain right on the front doorstep. Financial Institutions strive to stay at the very forefront in order to create user-friendly digital experiences. Xard’s innovative digital transformation strategies are designed to put both members and customers at the cutting edge of solutions offered today.
Xard customer

Enhance your customers experience

All your customers’ cards in one Chip & Pin wallet
Customers embrace security

Customers embrace security

The Xard is as secure as your customer’s physical credit and / or debit card/s. The payment card information is protected through Xard’s highly advanced methods of encryption and tokenization. Encryption is a security feature that uses a secret key to ensure private information is only accessible to the sending and receiving parties.


By utilizing “Just in Time” manufacturing by having blank Xard’s on hand, you can easily facilitate giving the customer the ability to personalize the Xard card within his own timeframe which could be as short as minutes.

Why a Xard companion management mobile app?

Xard designed the mobile wallet app to act as a powerful companion to The Xard. Card payments have proven time and time again to be the fastest way to transact, the easiest and the most convenient to use. With the Xard mobile wallet management app your customer has access to a variety of customization features, functions and controls.

When this is combined with the Xard, the ultimate solution is delivered. So why not just a mobile phone? Cyberthieves can “spoof” a mobile phone. It can fall vulnerable when using a public WiFi network. It can also become infected with Malware where an unknown entity takes control of your customer’s phone, gaining full access to all payment apps / wallet/s.
So why not just a mobile phone?

Cyberthieves can “spoof” a mobile phone. It can fall vulnerable when using a public WiFi network. It can also become infected with Malware where an unknown entity takes control of your customer’s phone, gaining full access to all payment apps / wallet/s.
Xard Mobile App

What does The Xard offer over a mobile phone payment method?

The Xard is as secure as your customer’s physical credit or debit card/s. The payment card information is protected through Xard’s highly advanced methods of encryption and tokenization. Encryption is a security feature that uses a secret key to ensure private information is only accessible to the sending and receiving parties. The Xard also requires the customer to authenticate prior to selecting another payment card which can only be done by the owner of the cards.