Reward Cards

The rewards you afford to your customers is directly related to your product and your customer - it is totally independent of Xard. Xard do not particate in the rewards. Each individual card in Xard works individually and independently just s they do in a persons wallet or purse. Each card transacts independently from one another. This is something unique and quite refreshing Xard brings to the marketplace

Rewards have been around for more than a decade and have proven to build customer loyalty.

The most loyal customers are the most valuable and are regarded as business builders, buying more, paying premium prices and bringing in new customers through referrals. With so many payment card products and options offered, a customer can now carry far more of your products on the one Xard wallet card., giving your customer a greater range of choices and benefits creating loyalty and a long term customer relationship.

How many of products in your product range does your customer on average carry? Why not take a greater slice of the pie?

You can now offer them an exciting solution where your products can now enjoy the greatest of advantages and who better with than your own customers.